Do you need to hire a vegan freelancer for your food photography or recipe development project? If you need photos to showcase your awesome vegan product or a recipe to showcase your kitchen gadget or food product, contact us! We love promoting delicious wholesome foods and healthy compassionate lifestyles. Send Brittany an email [brittany [at]] to request a media kits and discuss rates to get started with your project!
Sending us samples ensures we'll try your product. Anything we happen to love, we'll be sure to share with our audience! We do not accept paid reviews.
I Love Vegan is based in Canada.
About Our Reach
207K+ monthly users
432K+ monthly pageviews
Facebook: 8.6K likes
Twitter: 1.7K followers
Instagram: 8.4K followers
Pinterest: 12.8K followers
How we can work together
» Sponsored recipes
» Sponsored blog posts
» Brand ambassadorship
» Recipe development and food photography
» Product photography
» Giveaways
Contact: brittany [at]
*updated October 2017
Visit our Vegan Food Photography Portfolio
Need photos to showcase your awesome vegan product? How about a recipe with accompanying photos to feature your awesome kitchen gadget or your product as a versatile ingredient? Visit our Vegan Food Photography Portfolio →
Examples of sponsored recipes & blog posts:
Vegan Chocolate Brownie Sundae
for So Delicious
Vegan Mushroom Soup & Herb Scones
for Silk
Roasted Vegan Thanksgiving Bowl
for The Little Potato Company

Creamy Vegan Broccoli Soup
for Suncoast Gold (150K+ pageviews)
Pulo Grilled Tofu Bowl
for Pulo Phillipine Cuisine
Meal Prepping for Healthy Lunches
for Snapware (160K+pageviews)
Caramel Apple Crumble Smoothie Bowl
for Nature's Path
Korean Potato Bowl
for The Little Potato Company
Marinated Tofu Naan Wraps
for Pulo Phillipine Cuisine
Email brittany [at] for more info and to receive our rate card for
photography, recipe development, and sponsored post packages.